B.j. Baize / BAIZE ART GALLERY , places 3rd at Arts Uptown GSO Reign Supreme  Art Battle in Greensboro,  NC 8.25.2023

B.j. Baize / BAIZE ART GALLERY , places 3rd at Arts Uptown GSO Reign Supreme Art Battle in Greensboro, NC 8.25.2023

Last night 8.25.2023,  B.j. Baize/ BAIZEARTGALLERY advanced to the 3rd & final round of @artsuptowngso Reign Supreme Art Battle last night in Greensboro, NC. This was my first time entering the competition, and I placed 3rd overall in the battle. Congratulations to fellow artist Leo Rucker, who was the winner of the competition. 

This was a very cool & unique art experience. I'm glad to be a part of the battle. πŸŽ¨πŸ–Œ

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